Presentations and Authors

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IKM_114 - 08.00 - Environmental Health - Adi Heru Sutomo

SEHATI PROGRAMME: Building the capacity of local government to implement, sustain and scale up STBM and sanitation marketing in Indonesia
Angelina Yusridar, Susanne Shatanawi, Catur Adi Nugroho Simavi

IKM_206 - 08.00 - Hospital and Health Human Resource - Mubasysyir Hasanbasri

Pelayanan fisioterapi pada era JKN di RSJD DR. RM Soedjarwadi Klaten
Rima Yunitasari

IKM_114 - 10.30 - Occupation Health and Safety - Agus Surono

Peran ergonomi partisipatif dalam mencegah keluhan muskuloskeletal
Desrifana Yunus