Universitas Gadjah Mada Conferences, Seminar Nasional Biologi Tropika 2018

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Studi Potensi Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers. Dilihat dari Kandungan Minyak Atsiri pada Beberapa Bagian Tanaman
I Putu Agus Hendra Wibawa

Building: Gedung KPTU Fakultas Biologi UGM
Room: Ruang Seminar
Date: 2018-07-28 01:15 PM – 02:15 PM
Last modified: 2018-07-06


Abstract. Indonesia forests are rich with essential oil producing plant that have excellent prospect as export commodity. One of the potential essential oil-producing plants is L. cubeba (isi full name). So, the aim of this study were to determine variations of essential oil content from different part of L. cubeba i.e. leaves, bark and fruit, investigate the chemical constituents of the essential oil by GCMS from these parts and also predicted the potential use of L. cubeba regarding  bioactivity of compound that was identified. The results showed that the yield essential oil from destillation of different part from L. cubeba significantly different i.e. 10 %, 3.33% and 1 % w/v respectively for fruit, leaves and bark. Each parts also produce different compounds, because of that it can be concluded that each part had different bioactivity. Essential oil from the leaves was recommended as a natural insect repellant in which also can be used as anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, if used as a liniment it will provide a relaxing effect on the muscles and stop the inflammation. Meanwhile essential oil from fruit was recommended as biopesticides because of the high content of verbenol  and the bark was reccomended as termicidal


L. cubeba, essential oil, insect repellant, antimicrobial, antiinflamation

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