Universitas Gadjah Mada Conferences, Seminar Nasional Biologi Tropika 2018

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Shoot Tip Grafting Propagation of Baccaurea reticulata Hook.f., the Potential Fruit Plant of Indonesia
Reni Lestari

Building: Gedung KPTU Fakultas Biologi UGM
Room: Ruang Seminar
Date: 2018-07-28 01:15 PM – 02:15 PM
Last modified: 2018-07-06


Baccaurea reticulata Hook.f. is originally from Kalimantan and Sumatera and known as tampoi, kapul or tampe by local people. This species has economic potential as fruit plant and has been traded locally. There are two types of tampoi plants that characterized by its fruits, namely white and yellow colour of fruit flesh. Until now, there was very limited study on this prospective fruit plant species including its propagation. The aim of the study was to find out the results of vegetative propagation of tampoi plants by shoot tip grafting technique. Several methods, namely different part of shoot tip, different time of shoot storage and different species of stock were conducted at the study. The results showed that the highest growth of shoot was from second part of shoot trunk as scion compared to control plants. Yellow fruit tampoi plants as scion (storage for 2 – 6 days) that grafted to white fruit plants as stock were not succesful and the scion were all dry after 18 weeks. Similar result was found when the scion of yellow fruit tampoi was grafted to the stock of  Baccaurea motleyana and B. macrocarpa. The scion of yellow fruit tampoi plants could only be grafted to the stock of yellow fruit tampoi plants.







Baccaurea reticulata; vegetative propagation; shoot tip grafting

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