Universitas Gadjah Mada Conferences, Seminar Nasional Biologi Tropika 2018

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The Effect of Various Media on The Differences of Vegetative Growth of Sawi Hijau (Brassica rapa var parachinensis ) Using Hydrophonic Method
Chatarina Gradict Semiun

Building: Gedung KPTU Fakultas Biologi UGM
Room: Ruang Seminar
Date: 2018-07-28 04:00 PM – 05:00 PM
Last modified: 2018-07-06


Brassica rapa var parachinensis is a popular type of vegetables and has a good prospects and commercial values. The cultivation of this plant can be done hydroponically without soil. The aim of this research was to know the effect of a number of planting media on the growth of vegetative  ‘sawi hijau’ Brassica rapa var parachinensis hydrophonically.  The method used in this research was experimental method conducted in the Green House.  The variables  to measure were length of root, height of plant, length of stem,  numbers of leaves, and width of leaves.  The data were analyzed  by applying  one way ANOVA , with 4 kinds of treatments i.e.  soil (S0), burnt hull of rice (S1),   teak sawdust (S2), and  the mixture of  S1 n S2 (S3).  Each of treatment was repeated 5 times.  The results of the research showed the best vegetative growth of “Sawi Hijau” grown in S0 and S1 media. Meanwhile it showed less optimal vegetative growth of Sawi Hijau in S2 and S3 media.


hydroponic system; Brassica rapa var parachinensis.; plant media

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